Links are still one of the ranking factors in search engines. In Google’s search engine, it remains one of the most important. In the article we will consider the questions on external optimization of the site – what is linking, what are the links, how to get them, how to find out who refers to competitors.
How do search engines relate to links
References can be conditionally divided into two types – natural and SEO references. Natural links are links that the owners of other websites have put on you, but you have not asked them to do so. Links that are placed only to influence the search engine are called artificial or SEO-links.
A SEO link is a link created to influence the search algorithms. The possibility of placing SEO links on intermediary websites is often purchased from special services, such as reference exchanges or specialized companies. Here you can buy good tier 2 backlinks

What to pay attention to when analyzing the link mass
- Types of anchors – what percentage of brand anchors, non-banchor links, links with direct and diluted entry.
- Dynamics of reference mass growth – what volume of references per month is added by competitors.
- References types – what percentage of text references and references in pictures.
- The ratio of nofollow to dofollow links.
- Type of link placement – links in articles, commentaries, catalogues, site networks, etc.
After analyzing the reference mass of your site and competitors’ sites, you need to draw up a plan to increase the number of external links. When developing the plan you need to answer the following questions:
- Which sites to place;
- Which types of links and with which anchors;
- How many links per month.
Ways of obtaining links

Reference Exchanges
Reference exchanges are one of the simplest methods of linking. Links can be placed in different types of content in link exchanges – articles, news, blog posts, comments, etc. When choosing an exchange, pay attention to the following parameters:
- Number of platforms. The more sites, the better.
- Parameters of selection of sites. The more they are, the better the quality of the sites you can choose.
- Control over the placed links. The exchange should provide the possibility to monitor the links.
The type of payment of the exchange is divided into two types:
- Exchanges that place links with one-time payment (so-called “eternal links”).
- Exchanges that place links with daily payment (rented links).
Outreach is a method of linking, which consists in establishing links with webmasters to place links on the site. What does it look like in practice? You have a good article or service. Find resources of similar subjects and suitable articles on them. We write off with a webmaster and offer to place a link or some useful content with a link to our site. You can agree to place a link for free in exchange for useful content or place links for a fee.
Crowd marketing
Crowd Marketing – is a method of linking, which consists in finding references to keywords or topics on websites in order to recommend the promoted product or service. Recommendations are posted in blog comments, social networks, forums, question and answer sites.
Crowd-marketing is aimed at attracting target visitors, increasing brand recognition and to dilute the profile of the reference mass. It is difficult to get a noticeable effect from links, on many resources the links in the comments are formed with the help of rel=”nofollow” attribute or are removed together with the comment. In this way, the owners of forums and blogs are struggling with comments, which are left only to promote their resources.